Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Conflict Resolution

Hi Everyone

We are Kauri team at Blockhouse Bay Primary School.

We are Year 5 and 6 (aged 9-11 years old)

This term we are going to create a Conflict Resolution Plan for the students at Blockhouse Bay Primary School.
To get our plan right we want to know how other schools deal with conflicts in the playground and in the classroom.

Can you please leave us a comment stating how your students deal with things such as bullying and disagreements.

To leave a comment scroll down to the bottom of this page and look for the word comments.
Click on this and a pop up window will appear.
Write your comment, leave your first name and school or the town you live in.
Click on 'other' at the bottom and 'submit'

PLEASE REMEMBER to use appropriate language. This is a student Blog site.

We would LOVE you to forward our Blog onto any other schools you know around NZ and the world.

Click on the envelope at the bottom of this page to e-mail the blog.

Thank you Kauri Team Students and Teachers